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10 tips or advice to succeed on Facebook
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Nov 21, 2023
4:51 AM
The first thing we must be clear about is that there is no perfect post on any social network, nor a specific day and time when everything works buy comments. But there are some guidelines that can help us.

So whether you have a personal profile or a company page, here are some keys to increase the success of your content.

1. Content
Creating valuable content will be essential to attract and maintain a Facebook community. You have to create and share relevant, original and quality content. In the case of Fan Pages, before launching into publishing content, it is important that we are clear about the objectives of the page, the communication strategy and the audience we are targeting. Use hashtags #, and links.

2. Photos and videos.
Fundamentals. The more attractive and visual the better. Any multimedia format is recommended but videos have been acquiring more and more prominence, pay attention to the idea, the language, the images and the quality.< /span>

3. Generate interest and participation (look for engagement in all your posts).
Maintaining an open dialogue with your community will allow you to discover what their interests are and connect with them. You can do this through calls to action, open questions, surveys, games, riddles... Also celebrate holidays and anniversaries. In the case of company pages you can run contests and promotions (you must take into account the Facebook Page Conditions, specifically the points about ).Offers and Promotions

4. Reward your followers.
If you have a company page you can reward your followers with offers and discounts, it is a way to thank them for following you and to maintain them.

5. Publication frequency and quantity.
The best thing is to maintain a balance, it is not advisable to launch 8 posts in one day and then go 4 days without publishing anything. Remember that if you have a page you can schedule your posts.

6. User attention.
Always respond to negative comments too. Be honest and pleasant. In the case of brands and companies, it is necessary to identify where the negative comments come from, analyze the situation, plan the most appropriate response and monitor the evolution of the situation.

7. Spelling and grammar.
A very important aspect, always review your texts and if you have doubts consult The Royal Spanish Academy, RAE. Bad spelling and grammar give a bad image to your profile or to the brand that is making the mistake. It may even lead to the abandonment of some of your followers.

8. Bet on variety.
Share content from other users, support your community and brands and users with common interests and don't focus only on yourself and your product or service. Comment on news, information, curious facts, etc.

9. Facebook Stories.
Images or video accessible to all our followers or friends for 24 hours, or until their creator deletes them. Although it is successful on other social networks such as Instagram, it must be said that at the moment it does not seem to be very successful on Facebook.

10. Storytelling.
Tell stories. The power of storytelling ensures you connect with your audience in a more authentic way, it is less invasive and more emotional. Creating content of this type ensures more interactions and trust with your followers.

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