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Proven actions to get followers on Instagram
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Dec 20, 2023
3:30 AM
Instagram is one of the social networks that I enjoy working with the most.

Unlike Facebook, it is a simple social network with few functionalities, which reduces the number of potential actions we can take.

However, as it is a practically visual social network (combination of image and video) you can be very creative and this is where I truly enjoy it articles on buy instagram followers.

Other of the main differences between Facebook and Instagram -and this is where I want to emphasize- is the type of organic reach that the content has that we generate in each of them.

On Facebook, even if you have few fans, you can have a lot of organic reach if your publication goes viral. The number of followers is not that important and someone who is not your fan can see your post in their timeline< /span>.

On Instagram it is totally different: only people who follow you will see your posts in their timeline , unless you use Instagram Ads.

It is for this last reason that on Instagram it is vitally important to get quality followers who consume your content.

How to achieve quality followers on Instagram? Below I show you 14 actions you can take to achieve it.

How to get followers on Instagram
1. Optimize your profile.
Would you invite someone to your house if it was dirty and disorganized? Well, the same thing happens on Instagram.

We don't want a potential follower to get scared and run away from your profile when they visit it.

If you want to make a good impression on your potential followers, you must have your profile impeccable: a good photograph, a complete description, a link to your website, etc.

2. Comment daily on other accounts.
If you want to receive you must first give.

The more you comment on other photos, the more followers you will gain. There are studies that show that the probability of being followed is multiplied by 4.

Now... Who can you tell? Well, to people who have interests similar to yours or that are related to those of your brand.

The only thing you have to do to find accounts similar to those of your brand is to use the search by hashtags.

TIP: I recommend that you do not comment on photos that are more than two days old. On social networks, content “expires” very quickly.

On the other hand, it is better that you comment on photos in which there are less than five comments. It has been shown that engagement decreases the more comments a photo has.

3. Start giving likes as if there were no tomorrow.
We continue with the philosophy of first giving and then receiving.

One of the best ways to gain followers quickly is to “like” the content of other accounts, since this way you will get their attention).like through a notification and they may follow you (or return the

Statistics extracted from different studies show that for every 100 likes that you give, you receive an average of 21 likes and 6.4 followers. It's worth it, right? Well, let's beat the little heart?

4. Follow other accounts.
This is one of the most frequently abused practices.

Following other Instagram accounts is one of the most effective ways to get followers. However, you have to be very careful and not indiscriminately follow many accounts at once in a very short time. They could close your account.

In addition, you have to make a filter when following other accounts. Follow people who you really think may be related to your product or service or to the values ??you transmit as a brand. If you follow accounts for the sake of following, the only thing you will do is waste your time and you will risk getting banned.

5. Utiliza hashtags.
The hashtags are very important on Instagram, since they help increase the reach of the posts, the engagement and visibility in general.

Use hashtags that are related to the activity of your company and avoid hashtagsthis will not help your brand at all. popular generics or ones that are not strictly related to the content you are publishing, as

TIP: respect large and small letters. Try to have the same word in uppercase or lowercase. Do not use hashtags only in capital letters, visually it does not look good.

6. Pon un hashtag feed en tu web.
This is a very good way to give more visibility to your content.

Basically it consists of establishing a panel on the web that is updated with the photographs that are uploaded to Instagram with certain hashtags, the ones you choose.

7. Connect your account with Facebook.
Keep in mind that Instagram and Facebook belong to the same company, so they are interested in their users spending as much time as possible using their social networks.

By connecting both accounts you will increase the chances of a person finding you. In addition, you will also be able to automatically post on Facebook the content that you have uploaded to Instagram... And Facebook loves this and rewards it by giving more organic reach to the publication!

8. Promote your account on other channels.
Why not use other channels to give visibility to your Instagram account?

In many cases we do not have to wait for the followers to come to us, but we have to go look for them.

Promote your Instagram account in blog articles, in Twitter or Facebook posts, in newsletters… The possibilities are endless!< /span>

9. Launch contests.
Doing contests on Instagram is a very good way to gain presence and increase your visibility. If what you are looking for is to increase your number of followers or get material generated by your fans, launching contests is a good method to achieve this.

Contests on Instagram work great and the truth is that they do not require much effort and resources to carry them out.

I leave you a video that explains how to run a contest on Instagram with the tool Cool-Tabs:

I also leave you here a very good post with the basic steps to follow to launch a contest on this social network.

?10?. Perform collaborative actions with other accounts.
Instagram is a social network where we often see collaborations between brands. We could say that they are actions of co-branding.

These types of actions are very beneficial as long as they are established under certain conditions win-win, since the brands that participate in the collaboration They can take advantage of the visibility or the pull that other participating brands have.

Detect which accounts have a good presence on Instagram and are also related to the theme of your company. You can propose joint marketing campaigns such as launching a contest or promoting a certain product or service.

Hawkers is a brand that usually launches many collaborations with other brands or celebrities. Take a look at his Instagram account and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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